[support] Drupal 8 how to

Al Sessions fultonchain at gmail.com
Tue Jan 20 03:35:37 UTC 2015

Hey Rodger,

Coming from your background I have no doubt your digging D8. I'm sure
your familiar with Symfony <http://symfony.com/> and Twig
<http://twig.sensiolabs.org/> is pretty big for us front-end guys.

Still, it ain't there yet.

1. D8 tutorials and docs for module developers are pretty sparse. It
has been a moving target and your best bet is probably to dive into
porting a contrib module (see #2) you find useful. Much of this is
still relevant:<http://drupalwatchdog.com/volume-4/issue-1/upgrading-your-modules>
and there are always the Drupal docs

2. This sounds like a classic use of Webform
<https://www.drupal.org/project/webform>, there is a D8 port underway.

3. A simple PayPal or Amazon affiliate link? Aside from that, I can't
imagine trying to build an ecommerce system with D8 in its current

I have a similar background and share your excitement about D8, but am
still starting new projects with D7 and advising clients to do the
same. At least until there is a real upgrade path -- and progress on
that front isn't spectacular.

Al Sessions

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