[themes] Theme generator

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Sun Jan 8 15:27:37 UTC 2006

Op zondag 08 januari 2006 14:58, schreef Gunnar Langemark:
> "Skinning" - where what you change is colors, graphics and perhaps a
> little layout. This can be done almost entirely by css. So actually I
> think it should be a "css-module" in its own right. Selecting a color
> scheme etc. It could provide a "skinning block" and a "skin-mixer/roulette"
>  if anybody else understand what I mean by that.

My argeebee theme is this, minus the online part. If we could tie a simple CSS 
colorSCHEME generator with this, one that poops out CSS, we are set.

Note the stress on SCHEME. making colors is not too hard. Making them play 
nice together is. developing a colopicker is not hard. It can even be done on 
a low level with a few textfields where one inserts HEX codes. No, developing 
and algorithm to pick nice contrasting, yet beatifull color sets is hard. 
argeebee on drupal.org has a list of some online scheme generators.


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