[themes] Anybody else catch this post?

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Mon Jul 3 09:37:35 UTC 2006

Op zaterdag 1 juli 2006 00:54, schreef Darrel O'Pry:
> but it seems like you really wouldn't be editing those all that often..
> and if you laid you xhtml right the first time, a little <style></style>
> in the node body goes a long way. Seems like overkill when the
> technology is already there.

I think Adrian and I are talking about "designs" that are simply not possible 
I have seen page.tpl.php files that have huge if()s around the whole <body> 
tags, I have seen mytheme_page() function overwrites that choose One of a 
list of special-page-*.tpl.php. I have seen people including 
home-page.tpl.php files and so on. 

All that to achieve very different layouts for some parts of your site. If we 
had a default mechanism for that, as well as being able to edit/create such 
special layouts on the site, it would make things a lot simpler. 

So: a lot of sites will not need to override theyr themes in the database, so 
purely web-editable-themes are a bit silly imo. But another lot of sites, 
will need some flexibility to redesign certain pages in a breeze. Being able 
to do that from the database (add special  theme page » edit xhtml » save) 
could be the simplest way to achieve that.


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