[themes] banner frame and logo

Bert Van Kets mailing at vankets.com
Thu Jan 19 08:36:27 UTC 2012

Hi Gabriele,

the "frame" you are referring to is completely defined in the theme.
I suggest you install the FireBug extension in Firefox. You can then go 
to the page, right click on the logo and select "Inspect element". A 
window will appear at the bottom of the screen showing the html and the 
css relevant to the element. The object inspected gets a blue shine. Css 
margins get a yellow shine. Check it out, it's pretty easy.
Using the Firebug information you can see which css styling elements and 
the file that define the height of the div.
Change the relevant css styling in the file mentioned in Firebug.

Don't forget to refresh the cache to see the changes. You can do this in 
the Admin -> Configuration -> Performance menu.

I could write up a few pages on this topic, but that would take me too 
far. Try out the above and get back to the list if you encounter problems.

In case you don't know any css or html, you will either have to use a 
different theme or make the logo image smaller in a photo editing 
application (The Gimp, Picasa, Paint, ...).


On 28/12/2011 14:13, Gabriele Giorelli wrote:
> Hello
> I mean by banner frame in my e-mail the frame that is at the top page 
> and that contains the logo. Please let me know if drupal has a 
> different naming convention to designate this area. I suppose it 
> should not be called header because this area corresponds to the one 
> just between the banner frame and the content. Correct me please if I 
> am wrong
> Now back to my question, I want to make this frame thicker because the 
> logo is large and does not entirely appear now. I don't know if this 
> change depends on theme itself that I am using. Please also let me 
> know if this is true. In case the answer depends on theme being used, 
> I am using pixture_reloaded-6.x-3.2 and bluemarine.
> So is there a way to make the frame at the top thicker? or the logo 
> thinner to fit in the frame?
> And finally if I want to put some pictures near the logo. Now the 
> frame near the logo is filled in color. How can I "upload" these 
> images to the frame?
> Many thanks in advance.
> GG.
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