[consulting] Introduction

Khalid B kb at 2bits.com
Mon Dec 5 18:12:34 UTC 2005

Here is my introduction.

My name is Khalid Baheyeldin, from Ontario, in Canada. My Drupal
experience spans almost 2.5 years (summer of 2003). My Drupal.org ID
is 4063 http://drupal.org/user/4063

My sites were initially running on a custom primitive CMS that I
wrote, all on a shared hosting account.

Using Drupal 4.2 or 4.3, I had my sites converted to run Drupal first
thing in early January 2004. All my sites were running from one
instance of Drupal, and one database, using Drupal's built in
multi-site feature. Clean URLs also helped me preserve the old URLs on
most old pages.

I wrote several Drupal modules including feedback, adsense sitemenu,
user points, node vote, currency exchange, stock quotes, custom error,
click thru.

Read more about me and Drupal at my web site at http://baheyeldin.com/drupal

My company, 2bits.com (http://2bits.com) provides Drupal consulting,
including development, customizations, and upgrades.

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