[consulting] managing many sites

James Walker walkah at walkah.net
Wed Dec 14 05:22:00 UTC 2005

On 12/13/05 11:52 PM, John Sechrest wrote:
> James Walker <walkah at walkah.net> writes:
>  % >  I am starting to see that some modules make my site slower, even
>  % >  when I don't have them turned on.
>  % now that's an interesting claim. can you elaborate?
>  I only have one data point, and I have to do a series of tests
>  to get real data that is going to be useful.
>  However, I have two UML sites, running on the same base machine
>  http://www.oregonhightech.com
>  http://sageq.gridvern.com
>  But one is must faster than the other. And in fact, the sageq.gridvern.com
>  site is past the threshold of usability. I was getting 4-8 second 
>  response time with the original configuration. I was able to turn off
>  services, and drop the load time to closer to a 2 seconds.... 

what "services" are you turning off? also, your initial claim was that 
modules that weren't even "turned on" were slowing your site down...

>  But there is a speed issue with drupal.

well, yes and no. drupal in general is quite fast for a system of it's 
complexity... there are some gotchas that will kill performance though.

>  In fact, in the class that I ran, we had students who compared wordpress to 
>  drupal for speed and found word press much faster. 

given what the two of them do, and the required code to do them ... was 
this really surprising at all?

>  And so It is interesting to see where the tradeoffs are. 

indeed. performance tuning is hard. particularly in a system like Drupal 
where so much depends on the underlying layers (LAMP, etc)... throw in 
UML (which has some behavioural gotchas of it's own) and you've got a 
lot of things to think about.
James Walker :: http://walkah.net/ :: xmpp:walkah at walkah.net

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