[consulting] Drupal Marketing and Consulting - Was: Fedora Core and the CMS Discussion

andrew morton drewish at katherinehouse.com
Sun Dec 18 05:23:16 UTC 2005

On 12/15/05, Laura Scott <laura at pingv.com> wrote:
>  There could be a lot more, sure. But speaking for myself, pre-Joomla at
> least, I found Mambo's site resources to be confusing. I know many people
> have pointed there as a model of what could be, but I consider it a warning,
> too. While we might take a page from their book, so to speak, there's a lot
> to Drupal.org that already is better -- and not just that it's running
> Drupal.

Not to go too far off topic but, the documentation was what convinced
me to choose Drupal over Joomla. I couldn't find any docs on Joomla
development but on the Drupal site it was easy to find and there was
almost too much of it.


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