[consulting] the Ultimate forum based Malinglist Manager

Kieran Lal kieran at civicspacelabs.org
Fri Dec 30 18:26:46 UTC 2005

On Dec 30, 2005, at 8:40 AM, Dan Robinson wrote:
> Respectfully this is not helping the discussion much.  Do you guys  
> have
> a plan?  When will it be revealed?  What is the schedule?

We are focusing on writing code.

CivicSpace Labs has maintained Mailhandler, Listhandler, MassMailer  
and checked our code into a public and well know code repository,  
Drupal CVS.

We have done prototypes, http://dgroups.civicspacelabs.org, and  
distribute these modules as part of the CivicSpace distribution and  
provide support here: http://civicspacelabs.org/home/community

We have documented them extensively http://civicspacelabs.org/home/ 
dgroups-recipe, http://civicspacelabs.org/home/dgroups-case-study,  
http://drupal.org/handbooks/mailhandler, http://drupal.org/handbooks/ 
massmailer, http://drupal.org/handbooks/listhandler, http:// 

We have committed code and done significant re-writes to Organic  
Groups to enable mailing list integration as well as integration with  
CiviCRM to allow for contact management.

http://drupal.org/node/28781-Introduce OG user hook
http://drupal.org/node/33275-Don't store group subscriptions in  
node_access table

We have also worked with Moshe(http://cvs.drupal.org/viewcvs/drupal/ 
contributions/modules/listhandler/contrib/email_list_mailman/) and  
Peter John Hartman (http://cvs.drupal.org/viewcvs/drupal/ 
contributions/modules/mlist/) to disucss their mailing list  
integration implementations which don't meet our security and mailing  
list creation needs.

> Is there a reason that this is not being pursued in the light of day?

We are focused on writing code.  When it's ready we will check it  
into a public repository and document it like we do with  
everything.   If there are developers who want to write significant  
code contributions we are happy to work with them as we have in  
recent meetings with Allie, from CivicActions.  Conversations about  
infinite features on infinite platform combinations that are not  
backed with collaborative code contributions in a publicly accessible  
repository have not proved useful in the past.

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