[consulting] Drupal considerd dangerous

Karoly Negyesi karoly at negyesi.net
Wed Dec 27 08:44:33 UTC 2006

> I think that you raised a very similar point months ago, and the reply was
> that we are not
> a secret society conspiring to inflate the prices for clients. We don't have
> a secret handshake,

http://buytaert.net/drupalcon-brussels are you sure we do not have one? Every great CMS has one, see http://drupal.org/newsletter/2005/august about how the elders were teached the Plone one in Portland, 2005.

> nor do we (collectively) hold a monopoly.

Of course we do, that's why we were so shocked at seeing a consulting company show up in Amsterdam of whom we did not know anything...

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