[consulting] Drupal Professions Shop Conference Call

Moshe Weitzman weitzman at tejasa.com
Thu Feb 23 21:39:09 UTC 2006

> Does anybody else find it a bit strange that all of a sudden people who 
> haven't been active in the Drupal community want to be the cheerleaders 
> of Drupal enterprises and define who is allowed to join their ranks?

I hear you Gerhard, but you are barking in the wrong direction here. 
CivicActions has attended the past 2 Drupalcons, and has released 
significant enterprise loving code like CiviCRM. Greg was recognized a 
leader during The Vancouver conference and we are lucky as a project to 
have him evangelizing for us.

The work of CivicActions and Civicspace over the past months and years 
has contributed hugely to Drupal's rising tide. As consultants, we owe 
them at least a thank you, if not 5% of our paychecks.

Drupal shops are entitled to their own conf call and the organizer gets 
to decide who joins. Thats how meetings work.


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