[consulting] Re: Common Request for Tender Requirements

Greg Knaddison greg.knaddison at gmail.com
Fri Jan 13 18:32:16 UTC 2006

On 1/13/06, Jason Diceman <jd-onlist at cooptools.ca> wrote:
> I don't have editing perms for that page, and it does not have comments
> either :-(

That page has comments for me - I'm pretty sure I don't have any
special permissions :)


> Some more suggestions:
> * Usability of interface
> * Availability of developers
> * Availability of Professional support
> * Interoperability with common web standards
> * List of features

About that "Availability of Professional Support" item...

I started a thread in the services forum http://drupal.org/node/44467
but I'm not sure that I really got a useful answer for the handbook. 
Seems like the answer is "from your hosting provider, from the
developer, or watch out."  Yikes.

I'm thinking about creating a reverse bounty paid support system.  Get
a 1800 number and a website where support items would be tracked and
bounties collected/distributed.  Website owners interested in getting
support but not interested in mucking about with the traditional
methods can call the number, name a price, and leave the details. 
There's some password/trust issues to work out, for sure, but I think
it couuld work.  Thoughts?

Take out 10% of each bounty and give that to the bug-hunt to promote
an overall more secure/reliable product (bug hunt info:
http://drupal.org/node/40383 )


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