[consulting] Legislative Bill Tracking with Drupal

Gregory Heller gregory at civicactions.com
Tue May 9 14:44:30 UTC 2006

Has anyone created a module or recipe of existing modules to track how
legislators vote on legislation?

The scenario is loosely this:
Organization tracks how legislators for on certain legislation.
They have a node or taxonomy terms or some such for each legislator, and
another for each piece of legislation.
The organization then records the way the legislator voted on the
This data is then displayed in some kind of matrix.

An off the shelf (so to speak) way we came up with would be to use a
node for each legislator, a node for each bill and a node for each
vote.  the vote node would be related to both the legislator and the
bill.   THis seems like a bit of a hack.  anyone have better ideas?

Gregory Heller
AIM/SKYPE: GregoryHeller

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