[consulting] Legislative Bill Tracking with Drupal

Moshe Weitzman weitzman at tejasa.com
Tue May 9 15:17:32 UTC 2006

I would make the bill a node, each legislator a user, and the votes will be
vote up/vote down or rsvp or similar. See
http://drupal.org/project/voteupdown. You might provide a 'switch user'
block for the admins to switch and record a new vote. Or just do some excel

On 5/9/06 10:44 AM, "Gregory Heller" <gregory at civicactions.com> wrote:

> Has anyone created a module or recipe of existing modules to track how
> legislators vote on legislation?
> The scenario is loosely this:
> Organization tracks how legislators for on certain legislation.
> They have a node or taxonomy terms or some such for each legislator, and
> another for each piece of legislation.
> The organization then records the way the legislator voted on the
> legislation.
> This data is then displayed in some kind of matrix.
> An off the shelf (so to speak) way we came up with would be to use a
> node for each legislator, a node for each bill and a node for each
> vote.  the vote node would be related to both the legislator and the
> bill.   THis seems like a bit of a hack.  anyone have better ideas?

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