[consulting] CMS comparison

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Wed May 10 19:10:45 UTC 2006

Op woensdag 10 mei 2006 15:14, schreef John Sechrest:
>  If the decided goal of drupal is to be a platform for invention,
>  then that is a different goal than having a stable platform that
>  organizations like city governments and businesses need for
>  the stable support of their tasks.

All of your concerns are mine too. Not everyone agrees, but I think they are a 
serious thread to Drupal. Not "just an annoyance that some of our users 
should learn to live with".

This is the main reason that I am pursueing sympal, the distro for consultants 
and developers. Now that I am getting most of my sites over to 4,7 I have 
spent a lot of time on the distro too. The scripts to maintain the "stuff" 
are getting stable, and the distro that lives on top of that can be worked on 
after stabilising those scripts. 
I have also found new partners that will help me "fund" this sympal system and 
distro, so I expect that I can show something cool soon (weeks, months)


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