[consulting] CMS comparison

John Sechrest sechrest at jas.peak.org
Wed May 10 19:24:36 UTC 2006

I am very intrigued by Sympal. Is there anything you have written 
up about it? 

=?utf-8?q?B=C3=A8r_Kessels?= <ber at webschuur.com> writes:

 % Op woensdag 10 mei 2006 15:14, schreef John Sechrest:
 % > =C2=A0If the decided goal of drupal is to be a platform for invention,
 % > =C2=A0then that is a different goal than having a stable platform that
 % > =C2=A0organizations like city governments and businesses need for
 % > =C2=A0the stable support of their tasks.
 % All of your concerns are mine too. Not everyone agrees, but I think they =
 % are a=20
 % serious thread to Drupal. Not "just an annoyance that some of our users=20
 % should learn to live with".
 % This is the main reason that I am pursueing sympal, the distro for consul=
 % tants=20
 % and developers. Now that I am getting most of my sites over to 4,7 I have=
 % =20
 % spent a lot of time on the distro too. The scripts to maintain the "stuff=
 % "=20
 % are getting stable, and the distro that lives on top of that can be worke=
 % d on=20
 % after stabilising those scripts.=20
 % I have also found new partners that will help me "fund" this sympal syste=
 % m and=20
 % distro, so I expect that I can show something cool soon (weeks, months)
 % B=C3=A8r
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John Sechrest          .         Helping people use
                        .           computers and the Internet
                          .            more effectively
                                 .       Internet: sechrest at peak.org
                                              . http://www.peak.org/~sechrest

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