[consulting] games customers play

Khalid Baheyeldin kb at 2bits.com
Sun Apr 15 20:42:22 UTC 2007

On 4/15/07, Victor Kane <victorkane at gmail.com> wrote:
> game #1
> customer: nameless, for the time being at least
> game plan: manipulate the consultant(s) into unconditional work frenzy,
> without regard to dimensioning or payment
> game overture: "This is bigger than google; I can see you are right for
> the job; but you have to demonstrate to me you are capable of handling big
> projects. All my projects are dreams, don't interrupt them with your petty
> planning and payment schedules. If you don't show you can roll up your
> sleeves and dive in, I will have to take my business elsewhere."
> Consultant (right answer): please do!

Those who fall for this have the same mentality as those who rely on winning
the lottery.

Yes, Google and Yahoo were in that situation and look where they are today.
But how many companies/web sites make it that big? The odds are against you,
and we don't know that your company will make it.

And there is the pressing need for food on the table for the kids too.

So, no. Find someone else to work for free. Actually to work for a dream.
Drupal development, customization and consulting.
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