[consulting] ActiveCollab

Gunnar Langemark gunnar at langemark.com
Fri Jan 5 06:26:55 UTC 2007

Khalid B wrote:
> From the screen shot, it seems to be competing with the likes of Base Camp
> with milestones, messages, ..etc.
> There is even a comparison between them here, which is pro-ActiveCollab:
> http://slackermanager.com/2006/07/basecamp-vs-activecollab.html
> That API seems like a very good thing. Someone wants it Drupalized 
> already.
> http://www.activecollab.com/forums/topic/1130/ 
> <http://www.activecollab.com/forums/topic/1130/>
> Think of being able to create something like Basecamp within a Drupal 
> framework!
> If someone else used ActiveCollab, can they please write what they 
> liked/disliked about it?

I had one brief encounter with ActiveCollab with a client in the fall, 
and have come back to it recently.
ActiveCollab IS an Open Source copy of BaseCamp - it was concieved as such.
So what I dislike about it is what I dislike about BaseCamp - and yet.
I dislike that BaseCamp loses track of everything within days of 
starting a project. It is a mess - really.
I like that BaseCamp is simple though. The philosophy of 37signals which 
made BaseCamp is - afaik - simplicity.
But as Einstein said "make it as simple as possible - but not simpler".
ActiveCollab added one functionality that I REALLY like - tagging!
It will probably make ActiveCollab last longer before it gives in - and 
becomes a mess. So I guess I like ActiveCollab better.

I'd sure like a Drupal version of ActiveCollab - working the same way. 
Or perhaps the two integrated into one system - where they can "share" 
content and metadata.


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