[consulting] preview of a home page

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Sat Jan 6 22:53:10 UTC 2007

Op zaterdag 6 januari 2007 19:23, schreef Earl Miles:
> Yea, you're right, Ber. The time I've spent writing tools to help make
> Drupal into a publishing platform has been a TOTAL waste of time.
> Seriously, I should just turn my work toward Joomla! instead and quit
> wasting your time too.

Let me stress and repeat: I am NOT saying drupal can't be used for a pure 
publishing platform, i've been using it as such for almost 4 years now! I've 
ben running a my company around this concept for the last 3 years!

I am saying, I repeat: There are other tools around that do a better job, IF 

So don't get snappy on me for telling people there are alternatves to Drupal.
There are. Wordpress IS a better blogging tool for Bob Blogger, if you can't 
live with that fact, ask Gerhard, if then you are still not convinced then 
look at the figures.

So why should we tell people who ask questions as 'how do I preview the 
homepage the way my users see it' that Drupal Is NOT up to this task? I 
prefer to tell them fair an honoust that some other OSS tools ARE up to this 
task, simply because their whole existence is built arount this very 
publishing concept, while Drupal's power lies in the fact that it is NOT.

Read this: http://typo3.org/about/new-to-typo3/ paragraph about 3/4th of the 
page. And my reaction to that. http://webschuur.com/node/480

Drupal, Ruby on Rails and Joomla! development: webschuur.com | Drupal hosting: 
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