[consulting] Userreview or Nodereview?

Greg Knaddison - GVS Greg at GrowingVentureSolutions.com
Mon Jan 15 22:06:12 UTC 2007

On 1/15/07, Boris Mann <boris at bryght.com> wrote:
> No, not the same thing at all. I was specifically looking for reviews-as-nodes.
> Fivestar does rating only, and does it fairly well, and I'm using that already.

I think it's "not the same thing _kinda_".

You could probably use cck nodereference and fivestar and some theming
snippets to make a "fivestar as node" content type that works very
similarly to Usernode and Nodereview.  I don't believe there's a mode
where you could use fivestar on multiple axes, though.

There's also http://drupal.org/project/votingapi_field which could
work in a similar way (nodereference +
votingapi_field-as-multiple-fields) to create a reviews as node
multiple axes type deal.  Of course votingapi_field is still described
as being unsuitable for production sites, but maybe a little attention
or help could get it ready.


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