[consulting] Drupal Training?

Michael Haggerty mhaggerty at trellon.com
Mon Jul 9 09:27:32 UTC 2007

My name is Michael Haggerty and I am the managing partner of Trellon, LLC.
We are a Drupal consulting shop based in Washington, DC.


A client of ours (a large non-profit) has asked us to prepare a training
curriculum which is going to include a week long session for teaching their
staff how to work with Drupal and CiviCRM. While the curriculum is primarily
technical in nature, it is focused on understanding how each system works
and how to leverage the resources that already exist to efficiently build
great Web sites. Essentially, we are going to have programmers working with
programmers and community managers in a boot-camp environment, and have
workshops for at least one of the days for some one-on-one interaction. This
is similar to other Drupal bootcamps, the main difference being this is
aimed at people outside the Drupal community who aren't going to benefit
from IRC and don't go to conferences.


I was thinking this kind of service may be useful to other groups, and am
writing to gauge the community's interest in making these kinds of training
sessions publicly available. Would general sessions on how to implement
Drupal be useful to people you deal with? What if they were shorter and more
tightly focused on particular topics, such as theming, developing specific
kinds of sites (ecommerce, social networking, publications, etc.), or
standard programming converstions? Any geographic preferences for where to
have these kinds of sessions?

Thank you,
Michael Haggerty
Managing Partner
Trellon, LLC


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