[consulting] Interest in Facebook API?

Rob Barreca rob at electronicinsight.com
Sat Jun 2 02:21:04 UTC 2007

At ChipIn, we've been working like crazy men the last week to integrate 
with Facebook. We're working with some awesome Drupal devs to launch a 
really cool Facebook - Drupal 5 app. We're frothing to say the least and 
will post a writeup once we have something to look at. We'll also be 
cleaning up any reusable code we have that works with the new API and 
eventually contributing back (working on redoing the facebook.module for 


Boris Mann wrote:
> On 6/1/07, Andre Molnar <mcsparkerton at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>> Some of this stuff is interesting - but there is a lot of FUD in the
>> Facebook user community and people are turning off the settings that
>> would allow applications to access information about their profile.  Hey
>> its their right to turn it off - but so many people are doing it does it
>> hobble the potential usefulness of applications?
> Many people in my communities are actively adding these apps. There
> is, BTW, a Drupal Facebook group :P
>> All in all cool stuff.  Now if Linked In had an API....
> They're someone I have on my "hit list" to go and talk to at high
> levels: what if the Drupal Association were one of the first
> organizations to implement a LinkedIn API for the benefit of members?
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