[consulting] Interest in Facebook API?

Boris Mann boris at bryght.com
Sat Jun 2 01:37:24 UTC 2007

On 6/1/07, Andre Molnar <mcsparkerton at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> Some of this stuff is interesting - but there is a lot of FUD in the
> Facebook user community and people are turning off the settings that
> would allow applications to access information about their profile.  Hey
> its their right to turn it off - but so many people are doing it does it
> hobble the potential usefulness of applications?

Many people in my communities are actively adding these apps. There
is, BTW, a Drupal Facebook group :P

> All in all cool stuff.  Now if Linked In had an API....

They're someone I have on my "hit list" to go and talk to at high
levels: what if the Drupal Association were one of the first
organizations to implement a LinkedIn API for the benefit of members?

Boris Mann
Office 604-682-2889
Skype borismann

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