[consulting] General consultant's vent

Cameron Eagans cweagans at gmail.com
Thu Aug 6 02:48:19 UTC 2009

An article that may be of interest:


Slightly vulgar, but entertaining/refreshing nonetheless -- I'd like to draw
attention to the point where he says 'I long for the day a manager walks up
to a table and says, “How dare you treat my employee this way. Get out
now.”' -- That goes for business owners too: if your clients/customers try
to bully you around, simply refuse service!

Cameron Eagans
Owner, Black Storms Studios, LLC

On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 8:36 PM, Dane Ensign <dane at deepsnow.us> wrote:

> Pardon me for chiming in here. When a client tells me that about a 3 hour
> estimate, flags go up. You know this already, but if you let them bully you,
> whether intentionally or not, they will expect all sorts of things. Stand
> your ground in that special way, that conveys 'Im the professional here and
> you aren't' with kindness.
> On Aug 5, 2009, at 8:21 PM, Ayen Designs wrote:
>  so, I have a client using blog/blog_api. She complains because of the blog
>> naming, the breadcrumb, the naming of the remotely submitted blog article,
>> the url, and more. String_override doesn't work with the blog name. So I
>> told her that if we set it up as a custom content type instead of using
>> blog, there's a log more I could do. I estimated 3 hours to change over
>> everything, create the view, test all the page/url/article/breadcrumb
>> naming, etc. She said my estimate was wrong, because she saw an article on
>> creating a blog in 30 minutes. I need to find a way to make money developing
>> with clients!!!!
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