[drupal-devel] Re: More profiling code - the server this time

Mike Gifford mike at openconcept.ca
Thu Aug 11 14:19:57 UTC 2005

Hi Robert,

Robert Douglass <rob at robshouse.net> wrote:
> I'd be pretty interested in seeing this code and would love to help  
> you
> port it to Drupal. If you don't want to wait for CVS access we  
> could put
> it in my sandbox.

It's not a lot of code so I've just pasted it in here.  No problems  
with you putting it up in your sandbox.  I'm still new to drupal so  
hints on locations for a temp directory where this could be written,  
the cache table is probably be used.  Also, is there is an existing  
script timer tool built in.  I can send along the class that this  
script uses if there isn't one built in.

Also, the values I put in for the base number of cycles were designed  
so that they would take about a second on an old machine.  A shorter  
number of cycles made it harder to judge the relative speed and more  
cycles caused the problems on really slow servers.

    /* Do some really simple math a bunch of times */
    function profileProcessorSpeed($max = 1000) {  //

       for ($i=0 ; $i < $max ; ++$i) {
          $bigArray[] = 3 * $i;

       foreach($bigArray AS $bigItem) {
          $value = $bigItem / 2;

       // echo "$value end";

    /* Read/Write a bunch of files to a temp directory  */
    function profileDiskSpeed($max = 400) {
       global $_PSL, $scriptTimer;

       $contents = $handle = null;
       $dir = $_PSL['basedir'] . '/updir/fileCache/';


       for ($i=0 ; $i < $max ; ++$i) {

          if ($scriptTimer->get_current('diskSpeed') > 30) {
             echo "Script Interrupted, $i disk cycles completed";
             return $i;

          $filename = $dir . 'testFile_' . $i  . '.txt';
          $somecontent = "Add this to the file $i \n";

          // Let's make sure the directory is writable first.
          if (is_writable($dir)) {

             // Open file
             if (!$handle = fopen($filename, 'a')) {
                echo "Cannot open file ($filename)";

             // Write $somecontent to our opened file.
             if (fwrite($handle, $somecontent) === FALSE) {
                 echo "Cannot write to file ($filename)";

             // Read contents
             $handle = fopen($filename, 'r');
             $contents .= fread($handle, filesize($filename));


          } else {
             echo "The directory $dir is not writable";


       return null;


    /* Insert/Update/Delete a bunch of files into a cache table */
    function profileDBaccess($max = 400) {
       global $_PSL, $scriptTimer;

       $contents = null;

       $db = pslNew('BEDB');


       for ($i=0 ; $i < $max ; ++$i) {

          if ($scriptTimer->get_current('dbSpeed') > 30) {
             echo "Script Interrupted, $i database cycles completed";
             return $i;

          $j = $i + 30000;

          $query = "SELECT value FROM psl_variable WHERE variable_id  
= '$j'";

          while ($db->next_record()) {
             if ($db->Record['value']) {
                $query = "DELETE FROM psl_variable WHERE variable_id  
= '$j'";

          $query = "INSERT INTO psl_variable (variable_id, value,  
variable_name) VALUES ('$j', 'Inserted Value $j', 'Test$j')";

          $query = "UPDATE psl_variable SET value = 'Updated Value  
$j' WHERE variable_id = '$j'";

          $query = "SELECT value FROM psl_variable WHERE variable_id  
= '$j'";

          if ($db->next_record()) {
             $contents .= $db->Record['value'];

          $query = "DELETE FROM psl_variable WHERE variable_id = '$j'";


       return null;


    // Start log content
    $content = '<p>' . date("D M j G:i:s T Y") . ' - ';

    $processorCycles = 10000;
    $processorSpeed = $scriptTimer->get_current('profile');
     $content .= "Processor Speed ($processorCycles Cycles):  
$processorSpeed - ";

    $fileCycles = 400;
    $diskCycleResults = profileDiskSpeed($fileCycles);
    $diskCycleResults = (!empty($diskCycleResults)) ?  
$diskCycleResults : $fileCycles;
    $diskSpeed = $scriptTimer->get_current('profile') - $processorSpeed;
    $content .= "Disk Speed ($diskCycleResults Cycles): $diskSpeed - ";

    $dbCycles = 250;
    $dbCycleResults = profileDBaccess($dbCycles);
    $dbCycleResults = (!empty($dbCycleResults)) ? $dbCycleResults :  
    $dbSpeed = $scriptTimer->get_current('profile') - $processorSpeed  
- $diskSpeed;
    $content .= "DB Speed ($dbCycleResults Cycles): $dbSpeed </p>\n";

    $dir = $_PSL['basedir'] . '/updir/fileCache';
    $filenameLog = $dir . '/profileLog.txt';
    $filenameAverage = $dir . '/profileAverage.txt';

    // Read contents of log
    if (is_readable($filenameLog)) {
       $handle = fopen($filenameLog, 'r');
       $contents .= fread($handle, filesize($filenameLog));

          // Write log
    if (!$handle = fopen($filenameLog, 'a')) {
       echo "Cannot open file ($filenameLog)";
    if (fwrite($handle, $content) === FALSE) {
       echo "Cannot write to file ($filenameLog)";

    // Read contents of log
    if (is_readable($filenameAverage)) {
       $handle = fopen($filenameAverage, 'r');
       $values = unserialize(fread($handle, filesize 

       $count = $values['count'] + 1;
       $processor = (($values['processor'] * $values['count']) +  
$processorSpeed) / $count;
       $disk = (($values['disk'] * $values['count']) + $diskSpeed) /  
       $database = (($values['database'] * $values['count']) +  
$dbSpeed) / $count;
    } else {
       $count = 1;
       $processor = $processorSpeed;
       $disk = $diskSpeed;
       $database = $dbSpeed;
    $average = "<p>Count $count - Processor Speed (100000 Cycles):  
$processor - Disk Speed (400 Cycles): $disk - DB Speed (250 Cycles):  
$database </p>";

    // Write log
    $value = serialize(array('count' => $count, 'processor' =>  
$processor, 'disk' => $disk, 'database' => $database));
    if (!$handle = fopen($filenameAverage, 'w')) {
       echo "Cannot open file ($filenameAverage)";
    if (fwrite($handle, $value) === FALSE) {
       echo "Cannot write to file ($filenameAverage)";

    echo "<h1>Last Results</h1> $content <h1>Average Results</h1> 
$average <h1>All Results</h1> $contents ";

Feel free to enhance any of this.  Would be neat to see it as a  
drupal module.

Mike Gifford, OpenConcept Consulting
Free Software for Social Change -> http://www.openconcept.ca
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