[drupal-devel] My approach on photo albums, slide show, etc.

Emiliano emiliano at novayork.com
Wed Aug 24 01:43:55 UTC 2005


> I've recently started work on a generic node relationship framework
> for drupal.

Great news! 

> There are lots of places it's useful.

I completely agree!
> Images attached to a photo album node
> Audio tracks attached to an audio album node
> Events attached to a location enabled venue node
> Users that have other users as buddies (when we have profiles as
> nodes.. an idea who's time has come)
> Similar functionality exists for organic groups.
> I'm thinking it could also form the basis for an outliner, that may
> one day take over the functionality of
> book.module.
> The hardest part is an interface which will scale well for really
> really big sites.

I've read Moshe's and Walkah's messages, hehehe, and I don't know about your 
priorities, but imho this relationship framework would be really useful. 
Please let me know if I can help you in some way, ok?


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