[development] Administration Survey: Theme improvements, theme help system, theme mailing list

Chris Johnson chris at tinpixel.com
Thu Dec 1 17:56:14 UTC 2005

Andre Molnar wrote:

> May I suggest updating the validation best practice text to say - 
> validate XHTML1.1 Strict.  I mean if we urge people to do it right - 
> urge them to really do it right - it really does solve more problems for 
> developers than it causes.

On the topic of XHTML1.1 Strict, I ran into some problems with getting 
included CSS and Javascript to work when in Strict mode.  I didn't have time 
to completely resolve it, and dropped back to Transitional to make my site work.

I did do some research trying to find the problem and in the process found a 
good article on why XHTML1.1 Strict may not really be all that great a thing 
-- or least, what a lot of the potential problems are. So just as a For Your 
Information on that topic, see this article *and* the follow-up comments:



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