[development] image node type

Tadej Baša tadej.basa at gmail.com
Sat Dec 10 11:25:12 UTC 2005

Ber Kessels wrote:
> On Fri, December 9, 2005 10:41, Boris Mann wrote:
>>>>I think it is important to know the audience and use. * Images as
>>>>node == for galleries. 99% for photo's. * Images in any node ==
>>>>blogs, news, articles, manuals. Not nessecarily photo's, most just
>>>>for "spice". Blogs, news, forum posts don't need power of
>>>>placement of inline images (aka handled trough the theme) while
>>>>manuals and articles will need this.
>>Ber, you are making broad sweeping statements which are frankly
>>wrong. YOU may not "need power of placement"....but many, many others
> Everytime this discussion came up I have asked people to prove my wrong.
> so far, no one has pointed me to a single professional site where images
> and / or media is placed all freely in pages. Nor to a book or document
> that explains how images and medai must be placed or why it should be
> placed freely. I have, however read numerous articles and books on why
> free placement is a bad thing. and why consistency and simplicity (aka not
> overwhelmin people with interface things to place media) is a good thing
> I agree, and know from experience that people always have one or two pages
> on a website where they (want to freak out) with layout.
> I have clients who swear they really need wysiwywfu things. Thos are the
> pages that I dont even dare to mention in my portfolio, for indeed they do
> FU the site completely.
> And I agree with the fact that al people *think* they need to place images
> freely. But the funny thing is, that (and that indeed is sweeping broadly)
> that people use the freedom to place images, to..... place images in the
> same location. Except for those cases where thye FU everything :)
> So, yes, we definately need to keep the option to let people place media
> anywhere. And yes, that needs to hook into WYSIWYWFU interfaces.
> But, no, this is not as badly needed as Simple Inline Media Handling.

" We need both, we need the flexibility, but IMHO an automatic-no-clutter
   solution should be the default. In core. "

  Predefined page layouts like in OO Impress ?

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