[development] Re: proposal for theming nodes

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Thu Dec 15 12:19:00 UTC 2005

Op donderdag 15 december 2005 02:34, schreef Ken Rickard:
> We're dumping stories into nodes, and related media into Flexinodes that
> have pointers back to their parent nodes (not perfect, but a fast hack to
> prove a demo point),

You did have a look at node aggregator, did you? :)

It needs love, true, but it sounds like you are re-inventing and already 
invented module.

| Bèr Kessels | webschuur.com | website development |
| Jabber & Google Talk: ber at jabber.webschuur.com
| http://bler.webschuur.com | http://www.webschuur.com |

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