[drupal-devel] Robb node_access > a module to tun both OG and TA

Eric Charikane charikane at ecrin.asso.fr
Thu Jul 21 16:19:37 UTC 2005

Dear all,

Some weeks ago I ask at http://drupal.org/node/20577 about OG and TA  
compatibility and Moshe answered that they are not, to say the least,  
very compatible !

Some weeks later, Robb came and made a new module which enable many  
modules using node_access API to work together. It can be find here  
http://drupal.org/node/24868 (but the latest beta should be currently  
request from Robb). As I am far from a developer, I can't say  
anything about the way he has taken to achieve his way, but as a  
user, I can say that this is a great improvement as I can now run  
both OG and TA.

In his latest today email Robb said "Response to the module has been  
minimal and I am moving away from Drupal [...]". He has done a very  
great job on this issue and I think many others could find his module  
very valuable. So this is my "SOS" to you guys, hoping it could find  
a way and Robb work won't be lost for future Drupal developement.



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