[drupal-devel] [feature] introduce a "cron" user to fix various cron related issues

degerrit drupal-devel at drupal.org
Thu Jun 16 23:12:07 UTC 2005

Issue status update for http://drupal.org/node/5380

 Project:      Drupal
 Version:      cvs
 Component:    user system
 Category:     feature requests
 Priority:     normal
 Assigned to:  Anonymous
 Reported by:  ax
 Updated by:   degerrit
 Status:       patch

At the risk of being publicly humiliated, and in the spirit of "there's
no such thing as a stupid question" ... what exactly is the (security?)
issue with adding:

$user = user_load(array('uid' => 1));

in cron.php? I have two sites with node_privacy_by_role (NPBR) enabled,
and cron does not index all the pages as a consequence (except when it
is given a user id with full access like above). It took me some
puzzling to figure out why the sites seemed stuck at "11% of the site
has been indexed" or something similar.

Of course, now a non-authenticated user can see excerpts of "private"
pages through the search, which could be a big deal.

Anyway, being able to choose a search user would solve the problem with
NPBR as well it seems.


Previous comments:

January 24, 2004 - 00:33 : ax

we currently have some problems caused by the undefined state of $user
in the cause of cron runs. sometimes it's "Anonymous", sometimes it
picks up the currently logged in user (i think). I stumbled upon this
when reading issues closed by "Anonymous" caused by the automatic cron
closure when issues are fixed. i always think "isn't it strange that
"Anonymous" can close issues just as she feels like?" there are quite
some related issues - search this site for "cron user".

couldn't a cron user solve these problems? a la if (REQUEST_URI) ==
cron.php then $user = <cron_user>, with <cron_user> having some special
properties such as showing "Automatically" for closed issues, being
possible to excluded in statistics, putting the rss author from
imported rss nodes into nodes author field, having special access
checks etc.

i didn't think about this much, but thought it is worth filing here.
please discuss, elaborate - and don't flame me if i'm too off ;)


February 11, 2004 - 06:04 : Chris Johnson

Sounds like a good idea to me.  It's one of many things I'd like to
change if I get time to work on it.


September 27, 2004 - 20:25 : Philippe

Couln't we just write this in cron.php:

 $cronuser = variable_get('cron_cronuser','nobody');
if ($cronuser = 'nobody'){
  $user = user_load(array()); //I believe this results in Anonymous??
  $user = user_load(array('name' => $cronuser));

We can set the variable cron_cronuser in a page like admin/cron. If the
site administrator doesn't set a value, cron uses Anonymous for
everything (not some user that happens to be logged on). If a valid
user name is set, the site admin can give the cron user special


October 1, 2004 - 19:41 : Philippe

Setting the user like this in cron.php sends a cookie. (How? Where? Can
we prevent this?) So everybody can get "cron" privileges by loading
cron.php once. We could fix this by making cron.php accessible only
from localhost (in .htaccess). 

Any ideas?


October 1, 2004 - 22:11 : Philippe

Attachment: http://drupal.org/files/issues/cron_uid.patch (3.62 KB)

This patch lets the admin select a UID for cron in the admin/settings
page. The variable name in which this is stored is 'cron_uid'. When
cron.php is loaded, it sets a variable $cron_is_running. If this
variable is set, no session will be opened (and no cookies will be
sent). The cron page will use the Anonymous user (uid==0) if cron_uid
is not set.
Note that the site admin should create a "cron" user before setting the


March 13, 2005 - 20:18 : Chris Johnson

Attachment: http://drupal.org/files/issues/cron_uid2.patch (3.19 KB)

Previous patch still applies cleanly to HEAD and code algorith looks
good on inspection.  However, there are some style problems and one
ugly bit using StdClass(), so I have re-rolled the patch.


March 13, 2005 - 20:37 : killes at www.drop.org

I like the idea, some comments, though:

+if (!$cron_is_running) {
+  session_start();

Is this neccessary?

'User ID '.$cron_uid.' does not exist'


March 13, 2005 - 21:11 : killes at www.drop.org

'User ID '.$cron_uid.' does not exist' < == needs to be made

Setting to active.


March 14, 2005 - 06:56 : Chris Johnson

Attachment: http://drupal.org/files/issues/cron_uid3.patch (3.29 KB)

Ooops.  Sorry I missed that text that needed translating.  New patch
attached with that bit corrected.

Yes, I think the if (!$cron_is_running) code is needed to keep the cron
user from creating many unneeded sessions.


March 14, 2005 - 10:48 : stefan nagtegaal

I am all for the idea of introducing a special id for running the
cronjobs, but the approach you took here is far from perfect imo..
After looking at your patch, there are several questions and remarks
that came up to my mind:

I agree with Gerhard that the $cron_is_running is probably unneeded, I
think it's better todo:

if (!variable_get('cron_busy', true)) {

I think that this is much to technical. Severa newbies will probable
ask what a user id is, or what cron jobs are.. From both usability and
userfriendlyness this patch is a big -1 from me..

I would suggest todo the following:
- Make a new user in the db called 'Cron' with a user id -1, or
something like that.. That way you don't have to add extra options to
the administration, and the way of implementing should be much cleaner.
Also does it improves usability...

What do you think?


March 14, 2005 - 14:11 : Anonymous


The functionality is great, but your interface is not.
IMO you should just choose good defaults and leave it with that. Why
would users want to choose "UIDs" ofr "cron Jobs". Joe user should not
have to think about UIDs and Crons. IT should Just Work[tm].

I know there are lots of places in Drupal where this is not the case
either, but we are working on that. 

So when we introduce new functionality we should do it good at once.
Why not go for Stefans suggestion of choosing a cron UID and jsut leave
it like that. UIDs are not really used anyway, so you can choose just
any UID (just the next one available, most often will be '2').



March 14, 2005 - 14:45 : javanaut

"Make a new user in the db called 'Cron' with a user id -1"

Just on a technical note, the database type for uids is "unsigned" and
-1 won't work.


March 14, 2005 - 20:08 : killes at www.drop.org

@Chris: I am pretty sue that this patch will not be usefull if the cron
user does not get a session. Drupal relies on the session to
authenticate the user. If you are worried about too many sessions, you
should make sure the session is clossed at the end of the run. his
could be done in cron.php.

@Stefan, Ber: I think we should introduce just a standard user and
assign the "authneticated user" role to him. The set the variable to
that uid so we can check which user it is. The problem is that we
cannot create the user from database.mysql beacuse the next uid would
be No. 1 which is reserved. So we would need to create the user on the
first visit to the admin/settings page. We could also use
drupal_set_message to inform the admin of this. We should also extent
the relevant help text.

While we are at it we could make the anon user use the db tabe for its
name too and not a variable.


March 14, 2005 - 21:33 : Chris Johnson

Looks like we are sort of in a corner.  Really the cron user should be
in the database at install time, but we have to reserve uid 1 for the
first user.  Maybe there is another way to do that without having the
first entry to admin create the cron user?  That seems hackish to me.

I agree that the anonymous user should also be completely coded into
the database, and not a variable.  The current methods causes anomolous
behaviors.  I, in fact, wrote several patches to do that a long time ago
(http://drupal.org/node/5639).  I looked at updating that patch a couple
of months ago, but the new unregistered user comment capability where
the user can enter his name made the code a lot more complicated. 
Maybe I will get motivated to try it again.  If only my patch had been
applied the first time!  :-)


March 14, 2005 - 22:21 : Olen

How about creating a bunch of "reserved" users (like most linux
distributions do)?
uid 1 = root
uid 2 = cron
uid 3 - 8 = reserved for later use
uid 9 = anonymous

And then let the admin log in as root the first time.  We still let
him/her change the username of any of these users, so it should not
cause to many problems for new installations.  Older ones would either
just have to live with it, or do a lot of 'UPDATE module_table SET
uid=X WHERE uid=2'-queries.


March 14, 2005 - 23:33 : Bèr Kessels

What about following the linux thing, and start counting at 500 for
normal users? That way people will recognise it, and  numbers do not
matter anyway. I mean, there is really no difference between 4 and 500,
other than thats its a different number. 500 makes just as much sense as
10, or 2 or 4.



March 15, 2005 - 13:59 : Philippe

The reason why I created the "ugly" user interface, and let the site
admin choose a cron-user ID in the settings page is because of backward
compatibility with existing installations. (guess what: my site IS an
existing installation)

Perhaps another option is to give special users a user ID close to
2147483647 (MAXINT). That way it won't interfere with existing users.

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