[drupal-devel] PHPTemplate hits core ... finally

Chris Messina chris.messina at gmail.com
Sat May 7 02:54:19 UTC 2005

In my own interest (and speaking for other less CLI-friendly designers
than myself), it would be *really helpful* if Drupal used a RCS that
had adequate GUI clients for all platforms. SVN has this now and has
many people working on it, so that makes it more attractive to me.

I also agree with Ber's suggestion, however, that we evaluate our
options should we choose to move from CVS. I'm only suggesting that,
as the Drupal developer base expands to include non-native CLI
speakers, we consider their needs in the move.


On 5/6/05, Dries Buytaert <dries at buytaert.net> wrote:
> On 06 May 2005, at 19:54, Ber Kessels wrote:
> > I have been looking around, and read about DARCS
> > (http://abridgegame.org/darcs/) A system that is build purely with
> > decentralized, vuluntary, non-hierarchical communities in mind. IMO it
> > gets much closer to our ideal workflow then SVN will ever get us.
> I've been using Darcs for 2-3 months now.  Based upon my experience, I
> would advise against using Darcs:
> 1. You need to master more commands.  It's slightly more complex than
> CVS.
> 2. If you delete files from your tree, there is no equivalent to 'cvs
> -q up -AdP' to get them back.  Highly annoying.
> 3. It is not scalable due to the fact it is written in Haskell.
> I'm more interested in 'git', but it might be premature.
> --
> Dries Buytaert  ::  http://www.buytaert.net/

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