[development] Re: [drupal-devel] mailman wrapper module

Peter John Hartman peterjh at mennonot.net
Wed Nov 16 01:14:21 UTC 2005

Hey there.  I'm in the midst of installing the mysql adaptor.  It's fairly painless,
but the distribution is misisng the patch file (there are only a few lines). 
It is too bad that it isn't in the vanilla code, but I suspect it will be for the next release.
There also has been a flurry of activity on the mailman mailing list about an improved
version of the mysql adaptor for mailman, which makes me more optimistic.

I don't think I'll go xmlrpc--just out of fear of security problems.  And the xmlrpc patch
(just released) isn't int he vanilla code either.

If you have advice, let me know.  I could go either way: (a) a mostly undertested
mysql adaptor or (b) a potentially security-hazard xmlrpc.  I'm also going with mysql
because I know it better.  And, if I get clever enough, I can integrate the mailman
userbase in with the drupal userbase!  Which would be a blast.


On Tue, 15 Nov 2005, Kieran Lal wrote:

> On Nov 8, 2005, at 3:47 PM, Peter John Hartman wrote:
> http://drupal.org/node/36863
>> I'm also in contact with the mailman people about integrating xmlrpc and 
>> some mysql patches that might go along with this module.
> Any progress on this front?  Have you looked at Moshe's use of the SQL 
> adapter?
> Cheers,
> Kieran

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