[development] subversion

John Handelaar john at handelaar.org
Wed Nov 16 07:24:49 UTC 2005

James Walker wrote:
> I'm not particularly wedded to any SCM system... but right now, I think 
> there are bigger things to worry about in the community than version 
> control systems. I like SVN because it fixes some of CVS's 
> braindeadedness without working too much differently.


Also, I'm not about to start wasting eyeball time reading a thread
where everyone and his dog mentions his own mutually-incompatible
alternative to cvs.

And *nobody* (correct for rounding) is going to *touch* it if we're
not using cvs or svn.  Why on earth would I want to learn to use
a different tool for each project I'm involved with?

That's like using a different browser for each web site.  Although
I see we're also having _that_ discussion at the moment with respect
to Mac users.  [sigh].


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