[development] Tip for large site scaling: tracker.module considered harmful

James Walker walkah at walkah.net
Wed Nov 30 12:48:10 UTC 2005

On 11/30/05 3:11 AM, Dries Buytaert wrote:
>> Things like tables missing indexes on key columns, un-optimized
>> database queries, wasteful algorithms... they're all bugs.
> I agree that these are bugs, and that they need fixing.  John, can you 
> file issues for those, and mark them critical?  You indicated that you 
> fixed a comment.module issue, but we haven't seen an issue or patch 
> yet?  Please work with us to fix these bugs.  Thanks.

yes please.

> I'm still undecided about creating a dedicated mailing list or forum for 
> this, but I'm looking to hear people opinion on this.  That said, I'm 
> going to setup two more mailing lists: consulting at drupal.org and 
> themes at drupal.org.  An overview of the existing list can be found at 
> http://lists.drupal.org/.

I agree with the others that having a forum or someplace more readily 
available / properly archived is most useful (i.e. over a mailing 
list)... but one thing that Boris mentioned about privacy is an 
interesting point, as larger installations may (for good reason) be 
unwilling to discuss issues until they've been resolved... in which case 
a they might be more inclined to share details to a closed audience ... 
but perhaps IRC (or something more "real time" ) is sufficient (with 
results / recap then posted to the forum or wherever is deemed appropriate).

basically i see 2 issues : 1) large site owners / admins / maintainers 
having a resource for "prior art" best practices, etc. 2) a place for 
those people to get attention to fix a current issue.

Though perhaps #2 isn't the community's problem ... (i.e. for the realm 
of the marketplace).

Bottom line is, large installations tell a lot about where weaknesses 
are because they generate scenarios that are hard to duplicate in a pure 
testing environment... capturing this info is pretty important, imo.
James Walker :: http://walkah.net/ :: xmpp:walkah at walkah.net

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