[development] forms_no_js is up for grabs

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Tue Apr 4 09:29:52 UTC 2006

Op maandag 3 april 2006 21:26, schreef Darrel O'Pry:
> I put 10 EU on Ber getting maintainership ;)...

Heh. :)

It seems I am "the local ANTI JS guy", let me clarify my position: 
I am not against JS or AJAX. I love it, really. I love *nice implemented AJAX* 
(and no, digg.com is NOT well done!). I am a big fan of the (some of the) 
prototype thingies.

 Its just that I like stuff done *right* or not at all. In this case I have 
serious doubts about how right some particular JS was done on some places in 
Drupal :). 

* I love the autofill. IMO its the best user-side addition to Drupal.
* I love the collapses (allthough they are abused, but that has nothing to do 
with JS, but with lazy UI designers)
* I love the upload progressbars. I see more nice places for the progress bars 
too. Its fabulous.
* I would love to be able to make certain textareas get resizing capabilities.

* I seriously dislike the fact that resizers are enforced on ALL textareas. It 
contradicts with the bahaviour of all our other JS. And it adds a lot of 
overhead to remove it on certain places. Esp because I hardly see a real need 
for them. If some textareas are too small, our UI needs redesign.
This is very different from an "all or nothing JS thing". This is about 
choosing good defaults. 

* I dislike the addition of nifty things in critical places. I see update.php 
as a critical place. critical places should *always work*. And that can IMO 
only be ensured by making these places as simple as possible. Again: choosing 
good defaults. To me enhancing the update process like this, is, like putting 
all pimpy stuff inside your closed server box. You never see them, you never 
need them, and they are only in the way when your hardisk needs replacement. 

I hope I made my ideas about our JS a bit clearer this way. 

| Bèr Kessels | webschuur.com | website development |
| Jabber & Google Talk: ber at jabber.webschuur.com
| http://bler.webschuur.com | http://www.webschuur.com |

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