[development] Drupal hosting

gunnar gunnar at langemark.com
Wed Apr 26 22:50:10 UTC 2006

All of the "adds" must be read with your brains turned on.
As you say - anyone knows.
So unlimited just means they don't charge you with bandwidth usage.

If services and hosting companies are to appear on drupal.org at all, we must
either accept that some of the language is not to everyones liking, or decide
on - and publish - very clear directions.
I don't think it is the right solution to start a discussion every time a new
company turns up on the page.

BTW: I don't think "development" is the right place to discuss this either.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: development-bounces at drupal.org [mailto:development-
> bounces at drupal.org]On Behalf Of
> > Could you add my companies details (below) to
http://drupal.org/services/hosting please?
> > - Unlimited web space
> > - Unlimited (and unmetered) data transfer
> /not this provider specific, but we might want to think about what 
> we want to add and how/
> Anyone knows there is no such thing as "unlimited web space", or 
> "unlimited data transfer", there might be "enough", but no 
> unlimited. Since this "ad" is running on our site, we are quilty of 
> this false information, not something we should do IMHO. Next thing 
> there will be a provider with "unlimited +1 webspace" or "unlimited 
> data transfer 2.0".

Gunnar Langemark
gunnar at langemark.com

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