[development] Story vs Page - Again

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Fri Dec 22 09:01:11 UTC 2006


Op vrijdag 22 december 2006 05:28, schreef Boris Mann:
> > The reason they exist is historical, and is just for flexibility.

This reason is, IMNSHO, the worst reason you can think of. It basically 
says "we are not open for substantial improvement", or "we made mistakes in 
the past, and are not willing to fix these". 
Drupal has a good history of not stepping into that trap. Drupal has not been 
afraid to break old code and concepts. Yet in this very case page and story 
were allowed to co-exist, without any clear reason. FRom 4.6 to 4.7 and now 
from 4.7 to 5.0

> And for an upgrade path from 4.7.
Sure, but does this not indicate that, with little more effort we would have 
had a *real* solution instead of an *easy* one? 

I can think (and have proposed them several times, even with patches, just to 
cut off that argument) of at least three solutions that are really easy: 
 - Pages get a link in the menu automagically, stories not. 
 - The interface for stories: a 20-lines textfield, and a title. pages: a 50 
lines textfield and a title. 
 - An autocreated taxonomy-tree is connected to stories. Stories can be 
categorised by default, pages don't need to be.

I guess there are a million small things like this (Boris proposed some other 
ones), that can bring us to a good intermediate solution: not removing 
stories or pages, but utilising the virtual difference. 


Ik doneer alle advertentie inkomsten x2 aan Serious Request/Music 4 life. Doe 
ook mee:

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