[development] Coder Module

Doug Green douggreen at douggreenconsulting.com
Sat Dec 30 21:26:17 UTC 2006

I want to announce a new Developer Module named "coder" that assists with
code review and version upgrade.  


The module supports the following built-in reviews:

 * Drupal Coding Standards - http://drupal.org/node/318
 * Handle text in a secure fashion - http://drupal.org/node/28984
 * Converting 4.7.x modules to 5.x - http://drupal.org/node/64279
 * Converting 4.6.x modules to 4.7.x - http://drupal.org/node/22218

The module also supports a plug-in extensible hook system so contributed
modules can define additional review standards.  For example, if your
company has it's additional/different coding standards, you can write your
own review rules and enable them.

The current CVS head version works in both 4.7 and 5.

I'm hoping to add better security checking, using some tokenization and
parsing.  If you have some ideas, then collaboration/contribution/help is

Doug Green
Changing the world one node at a time!

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