[development] E-Commerce formapi question.

Gordon Heydon gordon at heydon.com.au
Thu Feb 16 06:35:36 UTC 2006


On Thu, 2006-02-16 at 16:30 +1100, Jeremy Epstein wrote:
> Gordon,
> When I made/committed the start of the cart.module upgrade, I took a
> long look at the whole checkout process, and eventually decided that
> it was simply way beyond me. I think this may well be one of the most
> complex multi-part forms in any 4.7 module, so we're going to need
> help from the biggest formAPI gurus around.
> One resource that may be of help: did you catch merlinofchaos's
> multi-part form solution which he blogged recently?
> http://www.angrydonuts.com/multi_page_forms
> I don't know if this sessions-based approach will actually work for
> the cart module, but it's worth looking into.

I am not too sure, but I did see that there has been some work on
sessions and anonymous users will not get a full session so that may
store this from working.

I think at this stage that this is beynd the current formsapi. I think
what needs to happen is a method in the formapi so that you can throw an
error in which you can tell the form process to build a completely new
form and $POST will be reset.

I do have it working but it is ugly. I was hoping that it could be done
is use the _validate() and _submit which will be very sexy.


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