[development] profiles as nodes

Gabor Hojtsy gabor at hojtsy.hu
Sat Feb 18 18:52:26 UTC 2006

Moshe Weitzman wrote:
>> All in all, it is merely a demonstration of what we could be doing if
>> users were nodes (or could at least participate in the nodeapi system).
> I'm glad that you brought this up. The current thinking is that users
> should remain their own first class object but that a profile should be
> converted to a node. With this, we can deprecate most of profile.module
> and just use CCK admin as the profile form builder.
> Furthermore, this opens the door to "personnas" by letting a single user
> have multiple profiles. Yahoo is an excellent example of a site which
> lets a single uid have multiple personnas.
> I do think it is reasonable for a profile to be tagged with terms so the
> original suggestion in this thread of adding terms to profile makes
> sense to me.
> Now that CCK is in decent shape, I'd be pleased if someone experimented
> with the profiles as nodes design and eventually submits a patch for 4.8

The bio module (http://drupal.org/node/46589) is also a step in this
direction, just in case someone collects these :)


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