[development] google just pwned the brochureware site industry

Dries Buytaert dries.buytaert at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 08:45:31 UTC 2006

On 23 Feb 2006, at 07:01, Adrian Rossouw wrote:
> Go play with the site editor, that's how our themes should work  
> damnit.

I suspect that a _LOT_ of people will come to Drupal after having  
used Google Pages (i.e. when the outgrew Google looking for something  
more).  With that in mind, it might make sense to adopt some of  
Google's terminology (if any), to aim for similar workflow and  
interaction design, etc.  I might make the Drupal learning curve less  
steep as they recognize a thing or two.

Dries Buytaert  ::  http://www.buytaert.net/

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