[development] google just pwned the brochureware site industry

Moshe Weitzman weitzman at tejasa.com
Thu Feb 23 16:42:29 UTC 2006

Adrian Rossouw wrote:
> http://pages.google.com
> Go play with the site editor, that's how our themes should work damnit.
> layouts / skins

by site editor, do you mean the part link for 'change look'?

and isn't our current theme system all about layouts/skins? what do you 
mean exactly? layout=chameleon, skin=marvin

this google tool is impressive as far as user experience goes. but 
really, anyone who wants a site like this has far simpler tools to 
employ than drupal? when google decides to offer a CMS, then we are in 
for a fight. according to some rumors, this is forthcoming ...

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