[development] 4.8/5.0: Modules, the install system, and directories

Darrel O'Pry dopry at thing.net
Fri Feb 24 18:24:34 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-02-23 at 08:06 -0500, Morbus Iff wrote:
> > This is what I'd like to see in 4.8/5.0 which would tie up some "loose 
> > ends" as it were with some of the direction that Drupal is moving in. 
> > These are bullet points because I'm heading off to work, but I'll be 
> > more than happy to wax further.
> And one more:
>     * misc/drupal.css can get split up into module directories
>       so that module-specific CSS (such as aggregator and forums)
>       doesn't get downloaded even if the module isn't enabled.
>       Also, I think it'll make for cleaner CSS in the long run.

Saints be praised with a big +1. I'll start on it as soon as I figure
out the open_basedir, and how to handle drupal's tmp and left over

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