[development] websiteoptimization.com css size

Karoly Negyesi karoly at negyesi.net
Sat Jan 7 13:39:06 UTC 2006

On Sat, 07 Jan 2006 14:27:52 +0100, Bèr Kessels <ber at webschuur.com> wrote:

> Op zaterdag 07 januari 2006 11:22, schreef Karoly Negyesi:
>> Let me sum up this topic, in form of a conversation:
>> -- We do not need drupal.css, let's move most of it to core themes.
>> -- But then other themes need to theme admin which is pretty hard.
>> -- Then let's make a separate admin theme.
>> -- We do not really know what's admin and what's not.
>> -- (Voice of Neil Drumm) What's under admin/ is admin.
>> That's my memory of this chat from all last year. We stopped here.  
>> Let's  
>> try to continue from here and not re-debate the former parts.
> Very well put, Karoly!
> Starting from there, I will add my (voice):
> what is admin will very much depend on your site. We cannot find any good
> default. We will probably not even be able to find good defaults to

Yes, but Drumm's solution is to simply move under admin what's admin on  
your site, if I understood it correctly.

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