[development] drupal install

Stefan drupal-devel at istyledthis.nl
Sun Jan 8 21:43:31 UTC 2006

there is something like this on the plate for a long, long time..
Adrian Rossouw worked on this till half a year a go, after that i  
thouth Neill Drumm proceeded his work. you should contact those guys,  
they are both on this list..


Op 8-jan-2006, om 19:56 heeft Schultz Consult - [René Madsen] het  
volgende geschreven:

> HI,
> Just wondering if there is a project going on with making an  
> install file to drupal?
> So you just upload your drupal files to your webhotel and then go  
> to your www.yourdomain.com and set up your drupal installation.
> After succesed installation the normal drupal interface will appear  
> at www.yourdomain.com.
> Like when you install Gallery2...
> If it's not the case, I'll be willing to help out here, it would  
> ease up the installation a bit.
> -- 
> Best Regards
> René Madsen

Stefan Nagtegaal
Drupal-Devel at iStyledThis.nl
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