[development] drupal install

Neil Drumm drumm at delocalizedham.com
Mon Jan 9 01:11:08 UTC 2006

Stefan wrote:
> there is something like this on the plate for a long, long time..
> Adrian Rossouw worked on this till half a year a go, after that i  
> thouth Neill Drumm proceeded his work. you should contact those guys,  
> they are both on this list..

I haven't actually done much with install itself since I chose to tackle 
upgrading first. Next up for me is module installation, which will 
eliminate .(my|pg)sql files. The lack of a module dependency system is 
more of a problem than not having an installer, chx has an excellent 
patch for that. Manual installation works and is well documented so it 
is not the biggest problem right now.

For installation there are a couple efforts. This is all from memory so 
please correct and add to the list as needed. It would help a lot in my 
session planning for Vancouver.

CivicSpace's installer, maintained by Ankur. This is very big and has a 
lot of CivicSpace hard coded in. A lot could be done to remove code 
duplication with core, but there may be functions which cannot currently 
be bootstrapped without a database.

Bryght's provisioning system developed by Adrian is closed source. Last 
I knew CivicSpace was getting a license of some sort for one or two 
projects which are going to go live real soon now.

Vlado is working on a command line installation framework which might be 
able to be used with other webapps, comparable to apt. I don't know much 
about that one.

Two related things which are lower priority than an installer are 
post-installation configuration and site profiles. These two things 
would be nice to have, but there are existing tasks that aren't going 
away which can be made better first.

> Op 8-jan-2006, om 19:56 heeft Schultz Consult - [René Madsen] het  
> volgende geschreven:
>> If it's not the case, I'll be willing to help out here, it would  ease 
>> up the installation a bit.

Whats your plan?

Neil Drumm

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