[development] Re: the admin theme, profiles

Steven Peck speck at blkmtn.org
Tue Jan 10 10:16:18 UTC 2006

While learning to theme Drupal, having to theme the admin area is a serious pain.  It really is.  However, I would not trade that built in integrated look for any other CMS or option.  You log in, you see more options.  Not logged in?  You don't know those options are there for the most part.
Yes, I had to spend some extra time on my site, but it looks consistent all the way through.  None of that jarring color change/shift.  At the current rate of debate, I might be able to contirbute actual solutions towards the admin area in 4.8.


From: development-bounces at drupal.org on behalf of Bèr Kessels
Sent: Tue 1/10/2006 12:50 AM
To: development at drupal.org
Subject: Re: [development] Re: the admin theme, profiles

Op dinsdag 10 januari 2006 05:12, schreef Theodore Serbinski:
> On 1/9/06, Bèr Kessels <ber at webschuur.com> wrote:
> > Not silly. just look at wordpress! There are hundreds of potential sites
> > where editing, adding, moderating content is considered *administration*.
> > And believe it or not, the node forms are often even harder to theme
> > right, then the admin/ pages, esp on fancy layouts.
> Actually, this is one of Drupal's biggest strengths. I have a client
> that had Wordpress but to manage content you had to go into admin,
> find the article, then edit it. But it is *far* easier to traverse
> your site logged in, goto the page you want and edit it. 10 to 1, it
> is far easier for your client to find the page they want to edit on
> the website visually then it is to search for it.
> Now, however, should it be themed differently? Entirely different, but
> I do agree, admin/ is really the admin area. When you edit a node, I
> think it can be more visually appealing and have some sort of 'admin
> border' or whatever you may have it, to make things stand out a bit
> more. As to what, well as we all say, code is gold, so I'll have
> something soon.

Well, even if you are completely right, and I am utterly wrong. The point I
tried to stress is that we should *give people the power to choose for
themselves*. If drupal ships with a hardcoded admin theme and area,
the first thing we will here a dozn times is "how can I make page foo/bar look
like the onse in admin?"

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