[development] Overwhelmed by traffic on this list

Robert Douglass rob at robshouse.net
Tue Jan 10 21:52:41 UTC 2006

It's hard to know exactly what to say. You're pretty busy and no mailing 
list will fix that. I find the CVS commits very helpful. When I read 
them, the comments are short, to the point, and I know what is being 
worked on. You can also get an RSS feed for them. Perhaps this is what 
you're looking for.




Jonathan Kamens wrote:
> Robin Monks writes:
>  > In theory, digest mode would work for this, since you can just scan the
>  > headers.
> I'm sorry, but I disagree.
> Look, I have four kids under the age of 7.  I have a full-time job
> which has -zero- to do with Drupal.  I am on at least four or five
> different volunteer committees.  I maintain several OSS packages that
> have -zero- to do with Drupal.  I'm up after 11pm pretty much every
> night, up after midnight many nights, up all night on a somewhat
> regular basis, and regardless of how late I have to stay up just to
> get done what I need to get done, I still have to get up at 6am to get
> the kids to school and get to work on time.
> I have less than no free time.  I have negative free time.  Scanning
> headers takes time.  Scanning headers is also header-prone, because
> the ratio of relevant to irrelevant (to me) messages is is going to be
> so ridiculously low that when one that's relevant finally pops onto
> the digest, I'll surely miss it.
> If the more active Drupal developers and core maintainers want to
> write off people like me, and I suppose that's entirely possible given
> the way I've seen some other casual Drupalers treated on this list,
> that's certainly a legitimate choice for you to make.  But what I'm
> saying is that with just a little bit of effort to make the
> information that we need accessible to us, you will enable us to be
> active contributors to the community.
> Mind you, people are already writing and sending out the messages that
> people like me need to see.  They're just being sent out to a list
> that people like me simply don't want to read.  It would be pretty
> much no extra time at all for these messages to be sent to a developer
> announcements list instead of or in addition to this list.
>   jik

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