[development] Re: [drupal:dries] /modules user.module

Lodewijk Evers l.evers at ontwerpwerk.nl
Fri Jan 13 09:39:21 UTC 2006

try this for those pesky n/a messages

Vriendelijke groet,

Lodewijk Evers

l.evers at ontwerpwerk.nl
http://www.ontwerpwerk.nl <http://www.ontwerpwerk.nl/>  



Van: Simon Rawson [mailto:simon.rawson at gmail.com] 
Verzonden: donderdag 12 januari 2006 23:59
Aan: development at drupal.org
Onderwerp: Re: [development] Re: [drupal:dries] /modules user.module

Hello all,

I am Simon (mentioned in some of the posts in this thread about deleting
users) and I'm newb to these mailing lists, although I've been active on
drupal.org for some time.

I totally understand your comments about the functionality of deleting
users.  However something needs to be done with HEAD because at the moment
if I delete a user, any nodes authored by them are still output (e.g. to
/node) and appear as "n/a" when a theme tries to render them. 

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