[development] Developer preview: GoJoinGo a group events service based on Drupal

Kieran Lal kieran at civicspacelabs.org
Tue Jan 17 20:28:27 UTC 2006

On Jan 17, 2006, at 12:03 PM, Kieran Lal wrote:

> Hello, some of you may have noticed that we have begun checking  
> code into a new Drupal-based project called GoJoinGo that is  
> intended to provide a "group events" type of service.  The project  
> includes a simple bash script that allows you to check out all the  
> necessary modules using CVS and you can then populate the  
> database.  You will also notice that there are some significant  
> patches for 4.6 modules.  It is our intention to remove these  
> patches in a Drupal 4.7 release as most of these patches are  
> already included in Drupal head.
> We are now taking the step of providing a developer preview of  
> GoJoinGo.  We are providing this preview in the hope of attracting  
> developers to who want to partner with us in delivering sites based  
> on this code base.  We are currently in the process of deploying  
> GoJoinGo as a stand-alone group events service, as well as  
> deploying it to be integrated into two existing commercial websites  
> that are themselves based on Drupal.
> This site is very much in active development, with design  
> improvements pending.  We are reaching out to the Drupal developer  
> community, but we are not declaring a public beta.  We reserve the  
> right to lock the site down if it starts getting blogged as an  
> official launch.  We will not be answering business questions,  
> service questions, or feature request questions at this time.  We  
> will answer questions that fit between <?php and ?>.    Programmers  
> and site developers who are looking for support should expect to  
> reciprocate with documentation and patches.

D'oh.  http://alpha.gojoingo.com/home

> CivicSpace Labs

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